Senin, 10 Agustus 2009

Monday Motivation

Is it really Monday already?! We had a whirlwind weekend- driving from LA to Lake Tahoe and back in less than 48 hrs! While there we went to my cousin's wedding, which was truly beautiful. She looked stunning and everything was just gorgeous! It was really nice to be with our family just talking, dancing, and having a good time. I was sad to leave my family and the beautiful scenery along with the fresh air! Every time we go back to Northern California I realize how blessed I was to have grown up in such a beautiful place.

Anyhow, all of that left me so sleepy this morning, so I am in need of major inspiration! I wish I was heading to this office, designed by interior designer Clive Wilkinson for Disney's Store Headquarters.

{Images: Clive Wilkinson}

The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.
-Arthur C. Clarke

P.s. I'm so sorry for my lack of commenting on everyone's blogs! I am excited to sit down tonight and read everything that I've missed the past few days! xo

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