Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Roasted Corn & Heirloom Tomato Soup

Thank you all for your sweet comments, emails, texts, and messages! I am feeling 100% better :)

As some of you know, I've been cooking gluten free for about a year now. Three months ago my doctor and I decided to try taking out casein (anything dairy or lactose related) from my diet and my tummy troubles that once were have diminished almost completely. GFCF is a great combo for me! At first I felt so overwhelmed with the whole process, but to be honest it has been a rewarding journey to cook for myself and be able to enjoy food again without being nearly bedridden the next day with stomach pains. I've made it my second job to pretty much scour the internet for tummy friendly recipes, and thanks to beautiful blogs like Karina's at Gluten-Free Goddess, I've been able to put dinner on the table every night without having a full on breakdown! Saturday night I made her Roasted Corn soup and it was dee-lish. I highly recommend this- especially for the colder months to come!

Hope you all had a beautiful weekend :) xo

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