Selasa, 18 Januari 2011


I am essentially the antithesis of a hoarder. I've always had issues with clutter; if something doesn't have a place or purpose I just cannot handle it. My fear of exorbitant amounts of objects combined with my mildly obsessive tendencies when it comes to germs and cleaning have meshed quite nicely over the years- truly creating the perfect marriage of crazy in my own right. Aren't we all a little, though? I recently read something along the lines that we are all crazy, it's just a matter of to what extent. But I digress: objects. Yes, objects. While I am still not entirely comfortable with miscellaneous things of the sort adorning every surface of my house, I am growing fonder of having more of them with a purpose in mind, which is why this beautiful Hallie Burton photoshoot caught my eye.

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