Kamis, 09 Juli 2009

Chic Boutique Hotels

Staying in chain hotels can always be a safe bet while traveling, but sometimes they lack personal attention to detail and care, which can leave you with a less-than-stellar experience to add to your travel tales. After a couple sketchy hotel experiences in the past few years at chain hotels, I decided that I wanted to start giving boutique hotels a try. Here are some of my favorite smaller boutique hotels that are loaded with chic and glamorous decor!

The Hempel- London, United Kingdom

Mosaic Hotel- Beverly Hills, Calif

Hotel Astor- South Beach- Miami, Fl

I've never stayed at any of the above, but I am adding them to my travel wish list right now! Have you ever stayed in a really chic hotel that you just couldn't get enough of?! I'd love to hear!

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