Kamis, 23 September 2010

I've Got Nothin'

Today, I've got nothing. No couture gowns. No pretty kitchens. Nada. I'm burned out. I'll be back manana.

So for now...I leave you with this:

1) My Nana said to me the other night, "Who was that on the Dancing with the Stars with his fingers in the air? The Solitude? The Solitaire?" in reference to contestant Mike 'The Situation'. This is the same Nana who refers to anything further away as "out where Christ left his sandals." I love her more than words.

2) Yesterday they were filming a robbery scene inside my bank and letting real customers in when the 'robbers' needed a water break. Only in LA, right?

OK, your turn. Anything funny/bizarre/random happen to you?

[photo Sim via Daydream Lily]

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