Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

I've been...

...so sick the past 2 days with a nasty bug, that the thought of a sumo wrestler knocking me out sounded like a real treat. I haven't had the flu since I was 8 yrs old, so I guess my time had come. Nothing from the past 2 days is pleasant, so I'll spare you the deets.

I feel like a new person today, albeit a new person who got hit by a truck, but a new person none-the-less.

So this is what I did while certain I was going to hell in a hand basket...

A lot of sleeping...
A few cold baths (which are horrid but necessary when your temp is 103.5)...
Sipped on the occasional cup of tea and drank a boatload of water...
And read a ton from The Pillars of the Earth which I've been wanting to read for the past 2 years...

If only being sick were as pretty as these photos!

So sorry I've missed all of your posts this week- expect some blog stalking from me soon. xo

[photos 1, 2, 3, 4]

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