Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

A Miscellaneous Weekend

I revel in weekends filled with a hodgepodge of activities that take place with no rhyme or reason. Delightedly, my next few days shall be exactly so. Although the weather in Los Angeles is supposed to reach nearly 80 degrees (please no hate mail- hehe) most of the things I have planned will take place indoors: writing thank you notes, catching up on my magazine/book stack, and finding a new recipe to create in the kitchen aid. I will, however, venture out to Farmer's Market for a new bundle of fresh flowers and maybe, if it's on the way (which it's not), take a drive by the beach to soak up some much needed vitamin D.

-Thank you to my bestie Heather for the '50 fashion designers...' book above. So excited to read it-

Hope you have a wonderful weekend :) Any fun plans?!

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