Senin, 14 November 2011

Peek Inside a Stylist's Home

Curiosity about others and whether or not they live their life according to what they preach (or in this case, do) plagues my mind quite often. For instance, when I'm at the dentist, I wonder if he too flosses, avoids candy, and brushes religiously. Or, if my doctor takes her own advice and sticks to her 'one glass of wine a day, thrice weekly cardio sessions' schpeel. Similarly, I often wonder what the homes of stylists and designers look like. Do they save their fanciest design tricks for themselves, creating an at-home masterpiece, or does conjuring up endless ideas for clients leave them worn out and in turn, their houses are simple and void of much flair? For this reason I love taking a peek inside designer's homes, like this one owned by stylist Jennifer Jansch, who has designed each room to be equally as fabulous as that of her portfolio.

photos here

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