Jumat, 18 September 2009

Happy to be Back!

I'm alive! Ha! I truly apologize for being absent the past month- so many things were going on that I literally had no time to blog, nor did I have the energy at the end of the day to explain everything. I guess that is part of the beauty of having a blog- no matter what goes on in our lives we always have an escape to share as little or as much as our heart desires. For the past few weeks I've gone back and forth as to whether or not to continue blogging (reasons for which will go unsaid for now) but I quickly realized that the longer I stayed away the more I missed it. I love that my blog doesn't judge me. It never takes my words and twists them to fit it's own agenda. It holds my words with the utmost respect and only displays the truth, straight from my heart.

So, in the words of my fave, Tim Gunn, "Carry on!" Ahh, I am so happy to be back! I've been reading some of your blogs and I have missed you all more than you'll ever know! I can't wait to start reading and talking with you all daily!

{Love this photo! Onward and upward!}

One last thing before I start making dinner- has anyone ever heard of the workout DVD 30 Day Shred from Biggest Loser trainer, Jillian Michael's?! I first read about it from two amazing ladies, Liz @ It's Unbeweavable and Brooke @ oofa luffa le and I knew I had to try it after their great reviews and encouraging words regarding the workout. After a less than stellar summer that left me 10 lbs over my normal weight, I just had to give it a try! Let me tell you loves, it is k-i-l-l-e-r (look at the 1,000+ positive reviews it has here)! The best part about the entire thing is that the workout itself is only 20 mintues- I repeat, 20 minutes (that's less time than it takes to watch The Office!)! It leaves you feeling sweaty, jello-like yet firm, and completely/ amazingly accomplished! If you are anything like me, and have a million excuses to not work out today, or do the whole "I'll start Monday" thing, I would really encourage you to give this workout a try! I am not going to give up on this 30 day program, because I know I owe it to myself to make some changes. I can't wait to start seeing some results!

Happy Friday. Enjoy your weekend :)

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