Jumat, 25 September 2009

I Hate Thinking of Post Titles...

...I really, really do! Sometimes you just run out of ideas!

I'm so excited that it's the weekend! Main reason: college football! Everyone is surprised when they find out what a football/basketball nut I am. My Dad played football for University of Washington and my Pops still flies from California to Indiana and all over the place to attend all of Notre Dame's football games (his alma mater). So needless to say, football season is the most exciting time of year for me (even if I do read Cosmo when the game gets boring)! When we're not cheering for our Fighting Irish, we're most definitely yelling for our Trojans! I'm a little obsessed with our new quarterback, Matt Barkley. Hopefully he is feeling better and they play him this weekend! No more unnecessary losses, please! And how can I leave out my love, Tom Brady! Love, love, love the Pats! What about you?! I'd love to know if any of you follow sports or have a fave team?

{this photo has nothing to do with this post- i just loved it and couldn't resist posting it!}

Before I sign off, wanted to share one little side note about the 30 Day Shred! I've been doing it a week now (finished Day #5 today) and I have lost 2.8 lbs! Even though I weigh myself once a week, I never really let the number on the scale determine the way I'm feeling. Yes, I was worried when I saw an extra 10 lbs come up in late August, but the numbers on the scale never really dictate me either way, rather it is the way my clothes fit and how I feel overall. I swear, after only a week of doing the Shred (accompanied by three 30 min runs throughout the week) I already feel so much better. My puffiness in my hands and under my eyes has gone down and I'm finding that I don't feel as bloated and uncomfortable at the end of the day. Sorry for TMI! Thank you for all of your encouraging comments- I already can see that good things are coming from this!

Lastly, I just wanted to say congrats to one of my besties, Vanessa, who just got accepted into FIDM (hope I'm not embarrassing you Ness)!!! She's already obtained a Bachelor's degree, works for The Walt Disney Company, and now she is going on yet again to do amazing things!!! Congrats love!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Relax, rest, and spend time with your loved ones :)

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