Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Guest Blogger: Meredith from (flash) pasteurized

I'm still running around like crazy trying to fix up our new house before we move in this week- so the gorgeous, sweet, and super funny Meredith from (flash) pasteurized is taking over Brunch today with 'A DIY Project, A Panic Attack, and A Quasi'! Enjoy!


When the gorgeous and incredibly talented Annemarie sent me an email asking if I would mind doing a guest blog for her, I was so flattered! Shocked, but completely and totally honored and flattered. Here’s the thing, 95% of you probably don’t know me. (Actually that percentage is probably more like 99%. Kind of like the effectiveness of birth control pills, I think. Or how purell hand sanitizers kill approximately 99% of germs.) Sorry I digress. Anyways, get to know me, and I promised we’ll be BFFFFF. (Prounouced “BFFFFF”, not B.F.F., by the way.)

I’m sure you’ve noticed by now, Annemarie is probably one of the nicest, prettiest, and sweetest people you’ll ever meet, or errrhh, read, I guess. She posts lots of pretty pictures and writes lots of pretty words. I, on the other hand, write about things like my puppy bringing dead squirrels into the house (if it’s not already bad enough, I have serious OCD, germ anxiety, not to mention I hate dead things); or how I am fairly certain I gave myself a concussion and could have died in my sleep and “woken up dead;” or my weekly editions of News You Can Use!

So you can see why when Annemarie asked me, I was truly honored and pleased with myself. I even gave myself a pat on the back. And since Annemarie is an expert on fashion and décor, I figured I’d bring a little bit of my own flare to these parts: and so begins my DIY project, my panic attack, and a picture of the elusive quasi. (FYI – Quasi is the quasi-bf. No one knows who he is, what his role is in my life, or anything about him for that matter. In this post, you are witnessing history as I unveil his identity. Big deal, I know. Especially since you guys are just meeting me.)

So being the HGTV fiend that I am, I decide this past weekend that a “small” DIY project was in order. Once I get these itches to do something, I have to do it right then and there. So I have this four-drawer dresser in my bedroom in a dark espresso stain.

As you can see, it’s nice but plain. What better way to spruce it up by adding some gorgeous drawer knob pulls?? Sounds like a simple, “small” DIY project. No big deal, right? WRONG. Very, very wrong.

So I get these wrought-iron-looking drawer knobs on sale for 50% off. I’m all for deals, of course. I get home and realize, well crap, my ex ex ex ex borrowed my drill, so I don’t have one. As I mentioned previously, when I get an itch to do something I have to do it RIGHT THEN AND THERE or OMG panic attack. So what do I do? I call Quasi, of course. Of course, he has a drill and he’ll bring it over. He brings it over and I get to drilling my very carefully and precisely measured markings.

See, look at me of DIY-like. I’m so hardcore.

Anyways I drill the holes and start to put on the knobs. (Quasi is laying on my bed being useless and playing on my/his/our iPad.) The knobs came with screws, but guess what? THEY ARE WAY TO FREAKING SHORT. Quasi needs to leave in 20 minutes to go meet the guys for a planned guys’ night. I’m having a crisis. I need screws. I go through all of my screws and none of them fit. Naturally. I tell him I am going to Home Dept right that very minute. He rolls his eyes and says, it’s late, you’re not going alone, I’ll take you.

We get to Home Depot. I was smart enough to bring one of the knobs and the screws. Guess what I find out? These screws are METRIC. And guess what again? I live in America where we like to do things our way and not be metric like the rest of the world. Which meant, the screws I needed were a scarcity and going extinct. Not really, they had them actually. But not enough. So what do I do? I abstain from having a nervous breakdown and beg Quasi to take me to Lowe’s because I HAVE TO DO THIS TONIGHT OR I CANNOT SLEEP and my clothes can’t either because they are out of their homes (aka – drawers). Of course Quasi takes me to Lowe’s. We get the remaining screws we need (praise sweet Jesus). When we get home, he really has to go, but says that he’ll finish putting them on for me. (Good Quasi.)

OMG. Y’all saw Quasi!!! Ahhhhh!!!

So I’m as happy as a lark until… dunnn duunn duuuuuuuuunnnnnnn… I MIS-MEASURED and was off by half of a half of a half of a millimeter on the two middle drawers where I had drilled the holes. The project would have to wait until morning, Quasi said. He really had to go pick up his friends. He tells me it’s going to be okay (I’m already starting to panic), we’ll finish tomorrow after church.

Let me tell you, waiting to finish this “little” DIY project felt like weeks. My room was a mess, and if you know me at all, you know that I don’t do messes. But luckily, with lots of sweat and tears, it is finally finished!!

Taaa Daaaa!!

Okay, for all of you disappointed in the unveiling of Quasi, here we really are:


Thank you, girlie! You make a gorgeous couple too!

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